Trusted Hardscape

A worn-out concrete driveway doesn’t just mar your home’s curb appeal; it also affects its functionality. To regain its former glory, resurfacing comes in as an excellent solution, breathing new life into your driveway without the cost and hassle of complete replacement or hardscape renovation.

This guide delves into the intricacies of the cost to resurface concrete driveway, providing insights into the associated costs and the value it brings to your property.


Factors Influencing the Cost to Resurface Concrete Driveway

The expense of resurfacing a concrete driveway isn’t a flat rate but varies based on several factors, including the driveway’s size, the condition of the existing concrete, the type of resurfacing product, and the labor costs.

1. Driveway Size

The area of your driveway directly influences the quantity of resurfacing product required and, thus, the overall cost. Larger driveways demand more materials and, consequently, a higher expense.

2. Condition of the Existing Concrete

The current state of your concrete driveway determines the extent of preparatory work before resurfacing. More cracks, pits, or discoloration means more repair work, which adds to the cost to resurface concrete driveway.

3. Type of Resurfacing Product

Different resurfacing products come at different prices. Basic concrete resurfacers may be less expensive than those offering decorative finishes or higher durability.

4. Labor Costs

Labor costs can also vary, depending on your location and the complexity of the project. Hiring a professional can ensure a successful outcome but will add to the overall project cost.


Understanding the Process and Cost to Resurface Concrete Driveway

Resurfacing a concrete driveway involves a series of steps, starting from cleaning and repairing the existing surface, applying the resurfacer, and allowing it to cure. The average cost to resurface concrete driveway can range from $3 to $10 per square foot, factoring in the aspects mentioned above.

While this might seem like a significant investment, resurfacing is generally a more cost-effective solution compared to a complete driveway replacement. It provides an opportunity to rejuvenate your driveway’s appearance and extend its lifespan without the extensive costs and disruption of a full replacement.


Benefits of Resurfacing Your Concrete Driveway

Resurfacing your concrete driveway offers a wealth of benefits apart from cost savings. These include:

  • Improved Aesthetics: Resurfacing can drastically enhance the look of your driveway, elevating your home’s curb appeal.
  • Increased Lifespan: By addressing cracks, pits, and discoloration, resurfacing can extend the life of your driveway.
  • Customizability: With a variety of finishes available, you can customize the look of your resurfaced driveway to suit your home’s exterior.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take to resurface a concrete driveway?

The duration of the project can vary based on the size of the driveway and the extent of the preparatory work needed. However, in most cases, the resurfacing process itself can be completed within a day or two. Keep in mind, it’s crucial to allow enough time for the resurfaced driveway to cure before it’s ready for use. This curing process can take up to a week.

2. When is the best time to resurface a concrete driveway?

Ideally, concrete resurfacing should be performed during moderate temperatures, typically in the spring or fall. Extreme heat or cold, as well as rainy weather, can affect the curing process and the overall outcome of the project.

3. How can I maintain my resurfaced concrete driveway?

Regular cleaning and occasional sealing can help maintain the look and durability of your resurfaced driveway. It’s also important to address any stains, chips, or cracks promptly to prevent them from worsening over time.

4. Can all concrete driveways be resurfaced?

Not all concrete driveways are good candidates for resurfacing. If the underlying concrete is severely damaged or has structural issues, it may be better to replace the driveway entirely. A professional assessment can help determine the best course of action.

5. How much does it cost to resurface concrete driveway?

The cost of resurfacing a concrete driveway can range from $3 to $10 per square foot, depending on the size, existing concrete condition, resurfacing product used, and labor costs.



In conclusion, resurfacing your concrete driveway is a strategic decision that combines aesthetic rejuvenation, functional enhancement, and cost-effectiveness. Understanding the cost to resurface concrete driveway involved and the value it brings can help you make an informed decision and guide your project to successful completion.

It’s not just about renewing and reviving your driveway; it’s about investing in your home’s lasting appeal and value. Transform your outdoor space with these amazing hardscape landscaping ideas!

Suzanne Gracan
Author: Suzanne Gracan

Suzanne is a content marketing expert with a passion for connecting the dots of strategy and content. She's also a yoga instructor, a wanderer, and a darn good cook. She is a graduate of Guelph University and a certified copywriter.